Our History


We are Rynhardt Britz and Vicky Karropoulos. 

We became involved in wildlife rescue as animal couriers in 2018.

As our passion for helping those in need grew, we attended formal training and began to shadow and intern under experienced rehabbers.

In 2020, we were the nearest rehabbers when a call came in for a baby fruit bat in need. And so Charlie arrived and changed our lives forever.

After Charlie, more bats followed. Lots more. The need for specialised bat care became very apparent. We often spoke about opening a clinic for bats “one day”.

Where we are today

At the beginning of 2022, never did we dream that “one day” was fast approaching. 

In mid 2022, a new, larger, property was purchased with the intention of creating that clinic complete with flight enclosures and other necessary facilities.

We set to work renovating a small building on the property. By November 2022, the clinic was mostly functional. 

We continue to work on our flight enclosures and hope to put up many large enclosures in the future.

In 2023 we were able to #spreadbatlove with more and more educational talks and content for the public.

While we specialise in bats, we do offer help to all indigenous wildlife and assist in getting them to the correct expert rehabbers. So you might find the odd “honorary bat” at the clinic in the form of an owl, bushbaby or snake.


World renowned bat conservationist, Dr Merlin D. Tuttle, visits Think Bat clinic

Our Mission

To contribute to the conservation of bats of South Africa in a meaningful and impactful way through animal rehabilitation, education and engagement with the public.

Our Values

  • Passionate
  • Collaborative
  • Inclusive
  • Committed
  • Result-focused

Meet the Team

Rynhardt Britz

Rynhardt, aka The Dream Maker, works fulltime in the aviation industry and is also a qualified firefighter. He is a very handy guy and is responsible for renovating the clinic as well as the construction of the flight enclosures and bat houses. He is a true Bat Dad, tending to the daily care of the animals. Favourite bat: yellow-bellied house bat.

Vicky Karropoulos

Vicky works fulltime with Rynhardt at Wonderboom Airport. She holds a private pilot's license and has an interest in veterinary medicine and a passion for gardening. She shares her home with a variety of rescued animals, having always chosen to support the "under dogs" of the animal world. Favourite bat: all of them (but maybe the Natal long-fingered bat).

Claire Andersen-Post

Claire is a director at Think Bat. She describes herself as a "tree-hugger, urban gardener and honorary bat person". Since becoming a mom, Claire has become even more passionate about nature conservation and recognizes its importance for our future generations. Claire rightly believes that by making the world a friendlier place for bats, entire ecosystems can flourish. "Think bat and spread bat love!".
Favourite bat: Fruit bat "because of that smooshy face".

Louanda Fourie

Louanda Fourie joined the Think Bat team at the end of 2023 as Administrative Manager after she felt a strong urge to put her skills and love for animals to use in the non-profit sector. Louanda is an avid dog lover but decided that bats might be a better animal to work with as there is no risk of taking them all home. We are thrilled to have Louanda on board as we take on all kinds of exciting conservation projects in aid of our most special little mammals.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead


We love talking about Bats. A lot.